General Dentistry
Improve the oral health of patients, work towards the prevention of future oral health concerns, and helps patients with the appearance of their smile.

RCT (Root Canal Therapy)
A root canal is a procedure done to save a severely damaged tooth, decayed or infected. When the tooth pulp becomes inflamed or infected as a result of extensive decay, cracks, previous restorations, or trauma, root canal therapy is often used.
Our dentist will remove the nerve and pulp of the tooth and clean and seal the interior during this procedure. Without treatment, the tissue around the tooth may get infected, resulting in an abscess.
Symptoms -
Gums that are swollen or painful
A terrible toothache
Sensitivity to heat or cold for an extended period
A tooth that has become darkened or discolored
An abscess or other infection-related symptoms
Treatment - Our dentist will first remove the diseased and inflamed pulp.
Then he will clean and disinfect the root canals.
He will fill the canals with gutta-percha material which is a permanent filling.
The root canals are sealed
Finally, our dentist will cement a crown on the tooth to give it a natural look and shape.
Teeth Whitening
The process of removing stains or discolorations from teeth is known as teeth whitening. Teeth whitening can be used to get rid of tobacco stains, fluorosis, and intrinsic tooth stains. Some discolorations develop due to the presence of vivid natural or chemical colors in food.
Using a light bleach can give you longer-lasting, sensitivity-free whiter teeth. Depending on your lifestyle, and the level of sensitivity of your teeth, you can pick from a variety of bleaches.
Extrinsic discoloration is caused by products like coffee, tea, colas, or cigarettes staining tooth enamel.
Intrinsic discoloration. This occurs when the inner layer of the teeth, known as the dentin, darkens or develops a yellowish tint.
The age-related discoloration is caused by a variety of factors, including dietary choices, thinning enamel, and damage to teeth such as chipping.
Treatment -
Our Expert Dentists can remove surface stains using whitening toothpaste or cleaners with soft silica abrasives. It works by gently cleansing the enamel of the teeth. For tougher and deeper stains, our dentist can use peroxide bleach. A strong oxidizing bleach like hydrogen peroxide can dissolve chromogens into tiny, scattered particles. It is the technique that eliminates intrinsic dark stains the most effectively.

Teeth Removal
Dental extraction may be necessary in cases of severe tooth decay, gum disease, or crowding. One or two teeth may need to be extracted in order to make way for the other teeth as they move into position for those who obtain braces. Additionally, those who are undergoing chemotherapy or are about to have an organ transplant may need compromised teeth removed in order to keep their mouth healthy.
Broken, subsurface or impacted teeth call for more extensive surgery.
Symptoms after removal -
bleeding that lasts longer than 12 hours
severe fever and chills, which indicate an infection.
dizziness or vomiting
Shortness of breath, chest pain
Edema, and redness at the surgery site
Treatment - Depending on whether your tooth is visible or impacted, you will either need a simple extraction or surgery.
Kids Dentistry
Pediatric dentistry, also known as pedodontics, is distinct from general dentistry, and parents consider it because they are concerned about their children’s dental health for most of the services, like cleaning and common checkups, the prices are affordable. However, if your child's dental health is not perfect, some dental procedures may cost a little bit more.
Since primary teeth will eventually fall out and be replaced by permanent teeth, the general belief is that baby teeth don't need special care. Ideally, a child’s first dental visit should be planned when the first tooth erupts.
Dental cleaning, cavity fillings, pediatric pulp therapy, tooth extractions and space maintainers, stainless steel crowns, and pre-orthodontic care are all included in this.
Pediatric dentists strive to keep children's oral health in good condition.
The treatment provided by them includes:
Examination of infants and teens. Caries-Risk Assessment is included for mothers and their children.
They are professionals at applying fluoride treatment to safeguard your child's oral health.
Habit therapy is also offered, in which doctors assist in controlling children's habits
Straightening of crooked and misaligned teeth
Treatment of tooth cavities
Treatment of dental injuries

Teeth Impaction
Tooth impaction is a condition in which a tooth fails to fully grow out (erupt) from the gums.
Impacted teeth usually occur because of crowding or lack of space in the bone. Third molars (wisdom teeth), particularly the lowers, are the last to erupt and are more likely to be impacted. Because of crowding and difficulty with cleaning, decay in adjacent teeth, as well as gum disease, often occurs.
Symptoms -
Gums that are swollen and red, poor breath, Gum and mouth pain and sensitivity, Problems opening your mouth, Headaches, dental decay, difficulties with other teeth's alignment, Gingivitis
Treatment -
Dentists typically conduct x-rays to see how severe your tooth impaction is. They'll enquire about the origin of your symptoms as well as how they affect your day-to-day activities. Your dentist determines whether further treatment is required or not. If your wisdom teeth are impacted, causing discomfort or other problems with your dental health and hygiene, your dentist may advise having them removed. You might need to have your wisdom teeth extracted if they initially erupted normally but then start to deteriorate.

Teeth Infection
An accumulation of pus and germs inside the tooth or gum is known as a tooth infection or "tooth abscess.". The initial sign is a toothache. If your tooth is left untreated, it could become infected.. An infection could spread to other areas of your body if it is not treated.
Symptoms -
Throbbing discomfort or swelling in the tooth or pain in the jawbone, ear, or neck.
Sensitivity to oral pressure or too hot or cold meals and beverages.
Tender or swollen lymph nodes in the neck.
Fever, poor breath,, unpleasant taste in the mouth.
Treatment -
Most tooth infections are easily treatable. A person should see their dentist at the first sign of a tooth infection. Early treatment will help prevent the infection from spreading to the other tissues. But a tooth infection with delayed treatment, that has spread is a medical emergency. Such infections can quickly become widespread and severe. Systemic infections can be life-threatening. A root canal is usually recommended. With proper care, the restored tooth can last a lifetime. If the infection has spread to nearby teeth, your jaw, or other areas, your dentist will likely prescribe antibiotics to stop it from spreading further.